White Eyes

I,I,I had a threatening childhood.It was about 10 years ago.2003,abhor a great year for toys.I didn't have that much money when I was a kid.But thank god I had enough money for Playstation2 gaimz.Don't be a grammer Nazi.Deal width it Bitch.Anyways back to duh story.
I lived in a small town called Amesbury,Massachusetts.If you think the town isn't real go to Google maps.I went to Gaystop,Aka Gamestop.I purchased a game called Hotwheels Velocity X Maximum Justice.I payed very little foua da gaym.When I return home.I used to live ina yellow housss.On 11 oak street.I pop da gaym in my Playstation2.I was gettin exided as if I'm jizzin.I'm jizzin all ova the place.AHHHHH.The main intro backround was rainbow colors.Even the text.The backround is light blue like light blue yoshi in mario kart 8.The options on the uhh uhhh options sorry I was yankin my nice white wet penis.The options were different in static rainbow colors like when I lived in Portland Oregon Playin Polybius.There wuz onleh one left thow.Anyways back to the sexy hotwheels game.The options were Mission Nothin W.E and Joyride.I tried out joyride with the super tuned on monument city considering it was the only one unlocked.Damn games.It played very normal.Doing joyride made me get use to the controls after a hour.Then I go back to the main menu.I click on the W.E option.I was very curious what W.E stands for.The screen changed to W.E in white and a plane black backround like the decals you see wen ya customize youa car in Hotwheels Stunt Track Challenge.I was exited to do adventure mode.Later I beat the game and curiosity told me to do mission 11 again.So I did.What the fuck did you expect.Mario to cum off a bridge or somethin.I use the Sol Air Cx4.After I fail the mission.The screen turns red and says hahhahhahhaha how wonderfully pathetic.Then It shows a film of max with no pupils.Gearhead turnz hiz head towards the screen and looks at meh dead in the eye and says look out Jason.Max is comin for ya.My name is Jason by the way.Then the screen goes back to the W.E screen.I look at the clock.It was 11:00pm.I freak out and run out of my house.I see a HOTWHEELS PROTOTYPE 12.with no pupils.White Eyes I whispered..Did I meantion he can telaport.?I run into the forest.He chases me.I run up to a tree.I'm cornered.Max pulls out a bloody knifeyknife.I turn uhrounde and rub my white hand down the tree crying noooo!Give me the games he commands.Its at the house I said sad calm down a bit.He stabs my leg 3 timmys and leaves me suffering.I wake up see my friend hanging fwom ugh rope.I cry. The game I found on the ground he was holding was Hotwheels Velocity X Maximum Justice.